Team: NeuroVision
During peak hours in major cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, intersections often become traffic bottlenecks due to high volumes of vehicles. Fixed traffic signal cycles can create several issues, such as vehicles entering intersections but unable to move, which hinders other directions that have a green light.
To address these problems, RGY's product is designed to collect data from cameras at intersections to identify vehicles and manage traffic flow accordingly. This includes increasing stop durations from all directions and modifying the lengths of green and red lights, instead of relying on a labor-intensive and potentially hazardous process.
The proposed technologies include IoT-enabled traffic lights and cameras connected to a central control system, computer vision for vehicle and pedestrian recognition, and AI to optimize traffic signal cycles based on camera data.
"With low infrastructure requirements, this initiative offers an optimal traffic flow solution for frequently congested intersections, promising to reduce travel time for vehicles in large metropolises during peak hours," a representative from the RGY team said.