Application for supporting efforts to combat prostitution
The Thanh Hoa Provincial Police has integrated a new application using the national citizen database and accommodation records to aid in the fight against prostitution.
Through their investigative work, the team identified a critical trend: while prostitution now appears in diverse and evolving forms, transactions between buyers and sex workers typically take place at lodging facilities. The team noted, "Not everyone visiting a lodging facility is involved in prostitution, but a significant proportion of prostitution-related activities occur at these locations."
This insight led the team to conclude that accommodation data can be instrumental in the fight against prostitution. "The frequency of visits by sex workers to lodging facilities is higher than that of regular guests. This pattern allows us to identify potential sex workers using a set of rules developed by our team," shared a representative from the team.
The initiative aims to utilize citizen and lodging data proactively to support anti-prostitution efforts. The strategy involves creating an automated, discreet surveillance network across all lodging facilities nationwide. This approach seeks to detect individuals likely engaged in sex work and provide early warnings to law enforcement when a suspected sex worker is identified at a lodging facility.