1. Burn After Reading
2. The Matrix
3. Die Hard With A Vengeance
4. Dr. Strangelove
5. Anchorman
6. Dial M For Murder
7. Scream
8. Heat
9. The Bourne Supremacy
10. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
11. Ghostbusters
12. Napoleon Dynamite
13. Crank
14. Casino Royale
15. Air Force One
16. Bridget Jones Diary: The Edge Of Reason
17. Leon: The Professional
18. Shaun Of The Dead
19. Tropic Thunder
20. Rambo III
21. Play Misty For Me
22. Wall Street
23. Saw
24. One Fine Day
25. Swingers
26. Juno
27. Lethal Weapon
28. No Country For Old Men
29. Catch Me If You Can
30. Brick
31. A Nightmare On Elm Street
32. Back To The Future
33. Baby Mama
34. Jingle All The Way
35. Clueless
36. The Hangover
37. Phone Booth
38. Buried
39. Taken
40. Rush Hour
41. Scarface
42. Bringing Up Baby
43. Funny Farm
44. Black Christmas
45. It’s A Wonderful Life
46. Spy Hard
47. Jerry Maguire
48. Out Of Time
49. Shoot ‘Em Up
50. Pulp Fiction
51. Leprechaun
52. Cellular
53. Twister
54. Amelie
55. The Wolf Of Wall Street
56. Mean Girls
57. What About Bob