What you have here is an 1______ cigarette. It's something that, since it was invented a year or two ago, has given me untold 2______.
A little bit of it, I think, is the 3______, but there's something much bigger than that; which is, ever since, in the UK, they banned smoking in 4______, I've never enjoyed a drinks 5______ ever again.
And the reason, I only worked out just the other day, which is: when you go to a drinks party and you 6______ and hold a glass of red wine and you talk 7______ to people, you don't actually want to spend all the time talking. It's really, really tiring. Sometimes you just want to stand there 8______, alone with your thoughts. Sometimes you just want to stand in the corner and stare out of the window. Now the problem is, when you can't 9______, if you stand and stare out of the window on your own, you're an antisocial, 10______ idiot.
If you stand and stare out of the window on your own with a cigarette, you're a fucking 11______.
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