MC: Whenever you’re ready, go ahead and turn around and tell the First Lady what she means to you.
Person 1: Okay. Good evening First Lady. Because of you, I know my …(1)…does not define who I am or what I can …(2)… For years you’ve shown our nation countless times that through dignity, compassion and respect we can overcome any …(3)… Thank you for …(4)…all Americans, including myself, to continue to go high even when the …(5)…of life make us feel low. Thank you so much".
Michelle: Did you prepare that ahead of time? Oh my god. That is so beautiful. Oh my goodness.
Person 1: Oh my god. Oh my god. I’m so surprised. This was not what I was expecting. I was eating pizza bites yesterday in my bed and now I’m meeting the first lady.
Person 2: First Lady Michelle Obama. Thank you for making me a more …(6)…woman. You have helped me, inspired me to walk in my …(7)… Every day I work to help women and underrepresented students get …(8)…to …(9)… education. And I love this work and I’m good at this work and I would love to work for you one day.
Person 2: Really? You would? You would? You sound amazing.
Person 3: I feel the same way about you that I feel about the best …(10)…I’ve ever had, those special …(10)…that you never forget because they realized the powerful …(11)…they can have and that's what you've been to me and millions of people not only in America but all around the …(12)…
Phiêu Linh