Video: TED
Where do you go to find out how to make an app? Well, this is how I approached it, this is what I did. First of all, I've been programming in...(10)... other programming languages to get the basics down, such as Python, C, Java, etc. And then Apple ...(11)...the iPhone, and with it, the iPhone software development kit, and the software development kit is a suite of tools for creating and programming an iPhone app.
This opened up a ...(12) world of possibilities for me, and after playing with the software development kit a little bit, I made a couple of apps, I made some ...(13)...apps. One of them happened to be "Earth Fortune," and I was ready to put "Earth Fortune" on the App Store, and so I ...(14) parents to pay the 99 dollar ...(15) be able to put my apps on the App Store. They agreed, and now I have apps on the App Store.
I've gotten a lot of interest and encouragement from my family, friends, teachers and even people at the Apple Store, and that's been a ...(16) to me.