Chinese rescuers appear to be cutting their way through the upturned hull of the Eastern Star to reach those feared trapped inside.
The ship capsized in a storm on the Yangtze river on Monday night.
By Tuesday just a handful of the 458 passengers and crew on board had been found alive.
They include the ship's captain and engineer who the official Xinhua news agency says have been detained by police.
Five bodies have been recovered.
The fate of the hundreds still missing is so far unclear.
Many of those on board were elderly Chinese tourists.
The official Hubei Daily says initial inquiries have found the ship wasn't overloaded and was carrying enough life jackets.

Một phụ nữ 65 tuổi được cứu trưa nay, từ con tàu lật úp trên sông Dương Tử. Ảnh: Reuters
rescue (v) | /ˈres.kjuː/ |
to help someone or something out of a dangerous, harmful, or unpleasant situation |
giải cứu |
upturned (adj) | /ˌʌpˈtɜːnd/ |
having the part that is usually at the bottom turned to be at the top: |
bị đảo ngược |
trapped (adj) | /træpt/ |
If someone or something is trapped, that person or thing is unable to move or escape from a place or situation: |
bị mắc kẹt |
detain (v) | /dɪˈteɪn/ |
to force someone officially to stay in a place |
giữ, bắt giữ, cầm chân |
fate (n) | /feɪt/ | what happens to a particular person or thing, especially something final or negative, such as death or defeat: | số mệnh, định mệnh |
initial (adj) | /ɪˈnɪʃ.əl/ |
of or at the beginning |
ban đầu, lúc đầu |
inquiry (n) | /ɪnˈkwaɪə.ri/ |
(the process of asking) a question |
câu hỏi thẩm vấn, phỏng vấn, sự điều tra |
Thanh Bình (theo Reuters)