Cho toi hoi sao hop thu Outlook Express cua toi check mail va nhan mail thi duoc nhung send mail thi lai bi bao loi. Toi dang dung hop thu Hotmail, toi cung da thu vao trang web Hotmail va Yahoo de xem thu cung bi bao loi (truy cap trang web thi duoc nhung vao hop thu go user name va password thi bi bao loi: "Your current security setting prohibit running ActiveX controls on this page. As a result the page may not display correctly". Toi khong biet ActiveX cong dung ra sao? Toi so Windows bi loi nen cai dat lai windows nhung van bi loi nhu tren. Truoc luc cai lai windows toi thay scandisk bao loi o file system khong biet co lien quan gi khong? Mong anh chi va cac ban giup do dum. Xin cam on.
Tue Phan
Hồi âm:
Ban vao Internet Explorer, click vao "Tools" roi "Internet Options". Roi click vao "Security" tab. Roi click vao "Custom Level" . Chon phan "Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins" va click vao "Enable" Quan