Đáp án phần 1
MC: When did you start loving …(1)…numbers, Luis? That’s a shadow. That’s… I remember the first time I discovered mine. Could not believe this little …(2)…black boy couldn’t talk!
Luis: Uh, what did you say?
MC: Oh, nothing. Don’t worry about that. Are your …(3)…brothers and sisters – Are they good at …(4)…math?
Luis: Unh-unh.
MC: What about your parents? Is your dad good with …(4)…math?
Luis: Unh-unh.
MC: Could you …(5)…teach me numbers?
Luis: Uh-huh.
MC: They tell me that you know how to play the square game.
Luis: Yes, you just – you just times it by itself.
MC: What is 145 squared?
Luis: Whoa, that’s a high one. …(6)…21.025. Okay. This.
MC: No, you got it right. That’s…
Luis: Yes. That’s a really …(7)…big number, right?
MC: Can I try 162?
Luis: You got to say “squared”.
MC: Okay, one second.
Luis: The answer is… The answer is 26.244.
Phiêu Linh