Đáp án phần 1
MC: When you’re watching the theater, a ...(1)...play or something, what makes you like it?
Iani: I think it’s just seeing the …(2)…actors all the way out there, right in front of you. The …(3)…action happening there, it’s just so exciting.
MC: Iani, I’m gonna be honest with you, I struggle at musicals, because, you know, you’re going along, and you’re about to get into the …(4)…story, and then some dude just busts out singing. And I just don’t know how to …(5)…handle that.
Iani: Well, you know, it’s just like when I start busting out tapping.
MC: I didn’t know when I said “busting”, that was like the trigger word, ‘cause what I said was I don’t like it when they just bust out singing. He said it’s just like when…
Iani: You said bust! You said bust! Okay. Can we switch places and I’ll …(6)…interview you?
MC: Yeah, that’s what you’re doing anyways.
Iani: Okay.
MC: Really?
Iani: Really. Really, really, really!
MC: Okay, for real? For real? He got the same …(7)…cards I got?
Phiêu Linh