Đáp án phần 2
Cơm tấm
- There’s pig three ways on this plate.
- My mom used to make this too, like in a big …(8)…bowl, and literally, I’ll just eat it for meals and meals.
- It sounds like your whole life growing up it was your mom turning out food and you’re just eating it.
- It’s like …(9)…Thanksgiving all the time, like you get so much different kinds of foods everywhere all the …(10)…places.
- You realize that …(11)…combining things make them better?
- I do know that. That’s why I’m combining all this … in my face.
- I want it to be a little firmer.
- Oh, no I love the …(12)…softness.
- I would drink fish sauce. Wouldn’t you?
- No.
- My …(13)…breath is gonna smell like this for days.
Chè ba màu
- Oh, what?
- Colors.
- The brown, black stuff is chunky. Is it …(14)…beans?
- Oh, God.
- The texture of the green stuff is really …(15)…weird.
- I really like it when the …(16)…desserts are also an activity because it’s just fun for the kids.
- It’ s crunchy, it’s chewy, it’s like gooey.
- It would be really awesome and …(17)…refreshing for a summer day.
- I love that it’s like ice cream, but not too cold to give me a brain freeze.
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Phiêu Linh