Phần 2
Shit-eating grin for the duration. A giddy, silly, foolish man beyond caring. And a cold …(7)…beer. My preferred brand, in every way. Ah. Clams with pork cracklings. How could that not be …(8)…?
This is the way so many of the great …(9)…of my life have been enjoyed. Sitting in the street, eating something out of a …(10)…that I'm not exactly sure what it is. Scooters going by. So delicious. I feel like an …(11)… Where have you been all my life?
Fellow travelers, this is what you want. This is what you …(12)… This is the path to true happiness and wisdom.
Từ mới:
giddy: nhẹ dạ
clams: hến, trai
pork cracklings: da lợn chiên giòn rụm
fellow travelers: bạn đường
path: đường mòn, lối đi
Phiêu Linh