Đáp án phần 2
- How do you get people, since you’re a worship leader, how do you get people up to sing?
- I say, “Everybody, let’s …(11)…stand up and join along”.
- You can’t be a wordship leader, everybody …(12)…sitting down.
- No, I can’t.
- No, ‘cause that’d be a dry service.
- Yes, it will.
- Are you taking your …(13)…clothes off?
- No, I’m not.
- What you taking your …(14)…vest off for?
- Because I like it off.
- Well, let me help you out ‘cause you’re struggling. Let me see. It’s that top button. There’s always one button that jam you. That’s what you…(15)…want?
- Yes.
- Okay, …(16)…cool.
- And now I want to take this one off.
- No, you’re gonna leave this one on, ‘cause that’s got the mike on it. You ain’t running nothing up in here. You gonna sit here, because they can’t hear you.
- Yes, they can! Because it’s fine without the …(17)…microphone. Fine without! Fine. Fine.
- Caleb, do this for me right here. I want you to – can you lead the …(18)…audience in something? What do you want to lead ‘em in?
- “Down in my soul”.
- Oh, you gonna make ‘em sing.
- Everybody, let’s stand up and join along. With the song! “Down in my soul, I cry holy. Oh, I cry mercy. Mercy. Oh, I cry mercy…”
- Where’re you going?
- “Down in my soul… In my sanctified soul. Down in my soul. I cry holy”.
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Phiêu Linh