Thinh thoang toi co nhan duoc cac email, trong do o phan nguoi nhan (To) chi thay ghi undisclosed receipients. Va toi cung khong the xem duoc dia chi cua nhung nguoi nhan duoc email do. Toi thay day la mot chuc nang thu vi va muon su dung no.
Ai biet xin chi bao gium. Xin cam on.
Nguyen Thanh Binh
Hồi âm:
Trong Outlook Express hoặc Microsoft Outlook co mot che do goi la BCC (blind CC), neu ban khong thay che do nay thi khi compose message moi thi chon view sau do chon all header (trong OE) hay view BCC fiel trong MS.
Hoac ban co mot chuong trinh email khac ma toi da su dung nhung khong nho ten, no co kha nang hide ten nhung nhan. Ban co the lien he cac cua hang software de mua.
Chuc ban thanh cong.
Neu ben dung chuong trinh Outlook Express thi vao address book, nhung nguoi ban muon goi email thi chon het vao "BCC", con o phan "To" va "CC" thi de tro^'ng. Noi chung o bat ky cach goi mail nao, ban chi can cho het dia chi email nguoi nhan vao BCC thi khi nhan, se hien len la undisclosed receipients.
Le Cat Ngoc
Khi gu*?i email, ba.n co' the^? ghi ddi.a chi? ngu*o*i nha^.n va`o trong "To" list, "CC" list hoa<.c "BCC" list. Ne^'u ba.n bo? ta^'t ca? ddia. chi? ngu*o*i` nha^.n va`o trong BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) list thi` ngu*o*`i nha^.n se~ chi? tha^'y "undisclosed receipients".
Son Ton
Có nhiều cách tuỳ theo cái mail clients. Nếu bạn dùng Outlook Express thì làm như sau:
Tại cửa sổ soạn thào một emai mới (hoặc sau khi nhấn reply/forward), bạn chọn View - > All Headers. Lúc này bạn sẽ thấy một trường mới có tên là Bcc (Blind carbon copy), bạn gõ các địa chỉ người nhận vào đây (cách nhau một dấu chấm phẩy) , những địa chỉ được ngõ vào trường này sẽ không hiện ra sau khi thư được gửi đi.
Dong Ngo
Chao ban ! Theo minh thi cach gui mail ma khong co ten do la do nguoi gui dung cac chuong truong bombmail giau dia chi . Neu xai bombmail thi ban co the gia duoc 1 dia chi khac va tham chi ban con co the giau duoc dia chi IP cua ban nua do . Neu ban muon nghien cuu ve cac chuong trinh bombmail thi hay lien lac voi dia chi mail cua minh
Than !
Minh Khoa
This trick is a good idea because when you are sending e-mail to lots of people, most appreciate that you don't broadcast their addresses to all the other recipients.
When e-mail gets forwarded over and over again -- as in the case of jokes or useful bulletins -- you never know where those e-mail addresses are going to land.
Some people will scoop the e-mail addresses so that they can send unsolicited e-mails to the list.
Hiding your friends' and colleagues' e-mail addresses from the Internet is common courtesy and good net etiquette.
Here's how to do that.
In your e-mail program, go into your address book and create an entry called "Undisclosed Recipients."
Assign your own e-mail address to the entry.
Then create a new e-mail and in the "To:" field type "undisclosed recipients." Your e-mail program will pull the entry from the e-mail address book and address the message back to you. This is like sending the e-mail to yourself.
Then use the Bcc: field to enter all the other e-mail addresses you want to send the e-mail to. Bcc means "blind carbon copy."
The addresses in this field will receive a copy of the e-mail message, but anyone who receives the e-mail will not know who else received it.
That information is not included in the header (the technical addressing information) of the e-mail message.
It may be tricky to find the Bcc field in some e-mail programs.
- In Outlook Express, create a new mail and click the View menu and then select All Headers.
- In Netscape Messenger, create a new message. Enter the To: address. Click the blank line below that. Another "To" will appear below the first. Click it and a menu will drop down. Click Bcc:. Then enter your Bcc e-mail addresses to the right of it.
- In Outlook 2000, create a new e-mail message. Click View, then click the Bcc: item in the menu to display that field.
- In Outlook 2002, create a new e-mail. Click the "To:" field next to the address field. A grey box will pop up. Select your Bcc recipients and click the Bcc button to the right.
Phan Dinh Phong
Chao ban Thanh Binh, De lam duoc cai do thi ban co the doc RFC2821 va RFC822. Con muon biet them ve MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) thi doc RFC2045 - RFC2049. Sau khi hieu giao thuc SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), ban co the de dang viet 1 chuong trinh nhu vay. Co cach khac nhanh hon la ban thu tim tren mang xem co cac chuong trinh do hay khong. Chuc ban thanh cong, T. Anh