Hi man, how are you?
I’m fine. How about you?
I’m good. Thank you, what’s your name?
My name Ninh.
How old are you?
Im 10.
Do you like to have a pet?
Yeah! What pet do you wanna have?
Well, I wanna have a dog.
Do you like cats?
Well, maybe.
So, what do you mean by maybe?
Like, a yes and a no.
A yes and a no, what is a no?
A no is because the cat is very lazy.
Cat’s really lazy? Why’s it lazy?
Because they only eat and sleep, they sometimes catch mouse.
Oh, cat smells?
No, catch mouse.
Ah, catch mouse, all right. You know, if you have a pet and you can’t have a dog, you can only have a cat or nothing, will you take that cat?
Do you know that you have to clean up?
Will you do that?
Are you willing to do that?
You’re willing to clean up the mess?
Yeah, because every animal has to get… not like, this animal is more than this animal. We have to do ahh…
Care? Care for them? No matter if that’s a dog or a cat?
All right, very nice boy. Nice talking to you.
Thank you.
I hope that in the new year you are going to have a pet.
Thank you.
You’re welcome, bye.
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Quang Nguyen - Phiêu Linh